Monday, June 30, 2008

On Track

Whew! Been a busy couple of weeks. First things first: there are new pictures at my Shutterfly site. Use the "My Photos" link on the right of this page.

Marshall has been participating in Kindertrack the last 6 weeks (Track and Field for ages 4-7), and had his first Track Meet last Tuesday, "competing" in the Long Jump, 50 yard dash, and Frisbee (instead of Javelin; I just don't understand why they won't let 4-year-olds throw a Javelin). Let's just say that he's not so much "athletically inclined." Which doesn't necessarily disappoint either his Mom or his Dad, since it means we may get out of spending all of our free time for the forseeable future going to sporting events. (NOT something either of us look forward to!) He had a lot of fun, though, which was the whole point, and even got a ribbon, which he is VERY proud of. Here's a picture of him with his ribbon (he's only frowning because he had to concentrate on standing still for the picture).

Below is a video of him running his race. He came in last, and was quite upset (so upset that Mommy wanted to start crying too!). It's hard to tell from this, but he stopped running and started crying ("But I didn't win"). His coach had to help him to the finish line. Poor guy! He's fine with it now, though, and for the time being is ready to practice hard for next year!

Hunter has had a hard week or so. He had been sick with a cough/cold, then last week got an ear infection from it. Bad timing, because in addition to track, we were at the pool every day for Marshall's swim lessons. So 3 out of 5 days, Hunter couldn't get in the water to play. Then on Saturday, he was wrestling with Dad and Marshall, and hurt his knee. (Don't I always say it? If you're going to wrestle, you're going to get hurt!) It's not swollen or anything, but he couldn't (wouldn't?) walk on it for a couple of days, and it's still tender today. Although, I think he was more afraid to try than in actual pain. Milking it, the little bugger. I don't have many pictures of Hunter lately, because he won't let us take them! So we have to sneak them when he's asleep.

Audra, Audra, Audra. Nine months old now, crawling all over the place, pulling up on everything, and one of these days is going to just take off walking. Her favorite thing right now is having someone help her walk. So proud of herself when she does it. And she's a jabbermouth. That's not surprising to any of you who've been around my kids much, because all of them are. But Audra is at that stage where you just don't want to sit in church with her, because it seems like she just waits for some quiet so she can start yelling! Ah, well, they love that kind of thing here, anyway. She's also a very big eater (again, no surprise there; her brothers were too), and for the last month has refused to eat baby food and insists on feeding herself. I gladly acquiesce! If there's one babyhood chore I despise, it is the feeding of the baby food. I think I'd even rather change a dirty diaper. Well...maybe that's two babyhood chores...Ok, I could probably think of a few more. But they're so gosh darned cute!!! Here she is in our yard. She loves outside!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Got tagged by Jennifer. Thanks!

8 Things I am passionate about

1. God
2. My husband
3. My children
4. My friends
5. teaching my children to know God
6. cake decorating
7. reading
8. sleep!!

8 Things I want to do before I die

1. see my children accept Jesus as their Savior
2. read the Bible cover to cover
3. visit Scotland
4. visit the rest of Europe
5. sleep
6. watch my children raise my grandchildren
7. have an uninterrupted conversation (with an adult)
8. enjoy some peace and quiet

8 Things I often say

1. Stop wrestling, or someone’s going to get hurt!
2. I told you someone would get hurt, didn’t I?
3. Be quiet! Your sister is trying to sleep!
4. Lord, please give me patience.
5. Do you leave Sunday or Monday this time?
6. Do you get home Thursday or Friday?
7. What time does your plane get in?
8. I just cleaned in here!

8 Books I have Read Lately

1. My Bible
2. Untold millions of children’s books…
3. That’s all; I haven’t been able to read anything for almost a year!

8 Movies I have watched 8 times or more

1. Lord of the Rings
2. Steel Magnolias
3. Star Wars (the last 3 episodes)
4. Indiana Jones (all 3)
5. A Christmas Story
6. A Christmas Carol
7. A bunch of other Christmas movies
8. A BUNCH of kid’s movies, usually 8 times in one day.

8 People I am tagging

1. Kerry
2. Christi
3. Marie
4. Kristy
5. Becca
6. Tami
7. Mollie
8. You!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sweet, Silly Marshall

I don't know how we got on the subject, but the other night we were talking to Marshall about how when we die, we go live in Heaven. If you know him very well, you might guess that this is a subject that always upsets my sensitive Marshall. So we were trying to tell him how great it will be, how much fun he'll have, etc. Then we told him that everyone he knew would be there with him, and started naming off all of our family members. This helped a little, I suppose, but he was still crying. UNTIL, we got to Ethan, Kerry, Kat and Sydney (the Reed family from Knoxville, who we became very good friends with). He said "Ethan will be there?! Really?!" I said "Yep, and you'll get to see him all the time, too." His reply was "Every day?! That's unbelievable!!" Cheered him right up. Ethan cures everything, you know. Good to know where Mom and Dad stand, though.