Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Start

Alright, my previous blog site was getting to be really annoying, so here we are with this new one where I should be able to upload pics and videos with a little more ease. I've copied the relatively few posts on that site to this entry (below), so you don't need to go back to that site if you need to catch up. Be sure to visit My Photos link at the right. I uploaded new photos a few days ago!

Entry for April 22, 2008
Marshall came to me this morning and said he had made up a new song to sing for me:
"When Dad's not home, the jokes aren't funny. When Dad's not home, the games aren't fun."
Heartbreaking, isn't it? He hates it when Dad's not here! Don't we all.

Entry for April 9, 2008
Hunter was crying and screaming today because I had to change his diaper, and he did not want to stop playing to do it. This is a very common occurrence these days, but today we really had quite an amusing conversation during said tantrum. Now, you have to imagine Hunter speaking quite angrily, even on the last line, to really get the full effect:

Hunter: "I not going to change diaper! You not change diaper!"
Mommy: "Hmm. I think someone is acting like a two-year-old. Are you two?"
Hunter: "I not two! I Hunter-Buddy!"
Mommy: "Yes, you are Hunter-Buddy, and you are two years old."
Hunter: "I not two years old!"
Mommy: "How old are you?"
Hunter: "I twenty-four! My legs are twenty-four!"

Seriously. I didn't make up a word. Goofy kid.

Entry for April 8, 2008
My boy. Marshall likes to help me cook dinner sometimes. Well, he likes to "help" me cook dinner may be more accurate, but that's beside the point. Yesterday, he was very excited to help, and even took some initiative. While I was nursing Audra, I heard him doing something in the kitchen, and when I walked in, he said "Mom! I set the silverware on the table for you!" That's a first in so many ways. I've never even asked him to do that before. He's really maturing lately, and is generally so happy to help us when we ask, especially with his baby sister. Of course, there are lapses. Sometimes we hear "Why do I have to do everything for you all the time?" {Sigh}

Entry for April 4, 2008
Audra had her 6 month checkup last week (18 lbs! Our smallest child yet). The doctor has just been very impressed with how healthy she is ("This is what a baby should look like" is what he told me last time). I'm very impressed with what a sweetheart she is. At 6 months she's sleeping 9 1/2 to 10 hours at night, and doesn't even fuss when we put her in her cribs for her naps. She's already got her coquettish look down pat - turn the head, look at you from the corner of her eyes, and smile. What a girl!

It's almost warm here, now, and I'm looking forward to being able to kick the boys out of the house for the majority of the day. Let 'em fight and scream out there! Marshall is wishing for snow one minute, and crying because it's still too cold to go swimming the next. Poor guy. Hunter is just beginning to enter The Phase that is my least favorite. (So far). You know, the one somewhere between 2 and 3 when all they seem capable of doing is defying every little thing Mom and Dad say. Of course, not when there are witnesses. Nobody believes me when I tell them my children act like monsters (I swear, they're in there screaming right now!) I guess it means they are well behaved for others, and that is the point of all this, right?

Entry for March 6, 2008
Alright, let's hope I do better at keeping this updated than I have done with other things in the past. Be sure to visit my photos page! The kids are growing so fast! Audra is 5 months now. She's a champion eater (as were her brothers), and she's already sitting up on her own. She is soooo pretty!! Yeah, yeah, Mommy is biased. But everyone else says so, too. I just can't believe how beautiful and sweet she is, even when she's grumpy and crying like she is right now.

Marshall is growing up, and is so eager to learn. He's taking a real interest in learning words, asking how to spell them or sounding out words he sees. I've always planned on homeschooling, and now I'm thinking of starting early, just because he wants to know so much. His capacity for learning is astounding. He gets a new memory verse at bible class each week, and learns most of them within an hour. Right now he has six or seven that he can recite, verbatim, back to back, with very little to no help. That's almost better than I can do, though I hate to admit that. I ask you, how can I not try to teach him everything I can, right now?

Hunter is at that age where everything he says is adorable. Last week we were all sick, so we set up a humidifier in the boys' room. He walks in and says "Dad, what's that?" Dad says "That's a humidifier." Hunter says "Dad! That's not a fire!" And yes, he is talking in complete sentences already. It's amazing. I may have to get some homeschool curriculum for him, too. It is remarkable what children are capable of. My kids blow my mind!

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