Thursday, November 20, 2008


I know, I know. I've been remiss. Almost two months with no entries, a month late getting Halloween pictures up. Now I have to catch up before we leave for our trip, and then I'll have to catch up again after that.

I had a good reason for not getting the Halloween pictures up, though. We went trick-or-treating with friends, and I got rushed out of the house before getting any pictures! My friend got some, and is supposed to get them to me, but hasn't yet. So for now I have some pics of the house, a couple of bad pics of the boys, and none of Audra. I've seriously got to pay better attention, eh?

The picture of the house is lacking a key quality: spookiness. Unfortunately, that's hard to get when you take a picture in the middle of a sunny day. None of the nighttime pictures came out very well, but rest assured, this was one spooky display: A graveyard, two witches with cauldrons, a grim reaper, and a huge spider web and spider were the main parts.

At the pumpkin patch picking our pumpkins. As usual, Hunter was not happy about having his picture taken.

Marshall and Hunter were vampires. Only Marshall wore the makeup, which Dad applied in a big hurry, so it came out a bit comical. Marshall was happy with it though, so that's what counts.


Hunter, later that night. Hard to tell what he's doing, since the cape is so small on this costume: He's pulling the cape in front of his face, a la Dracula.

Audra was a vampire bat. (Yeah, I know. I figure I've just got to do matching costumes as long as they'll let me. I'm sure it won't be much longer!) Hopefully I'll have more pictures later!

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